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Welcome to the ZuSo Dental Webinar Registration
Webinar Registration
Welcome to the ZuSo Dental Webinar Registration
" indicates required fields
Full Name
Business Name
Cell phone
Check all that apply
I understand this is a presentation for an investment opportunity.
I am interested in investing in a start-up.
I have invested in start-ups in the past.
Available Spots for Webinar
Please select any or all of your available dates and times.
Thursday, January 12th, 5:30pm (Eastern)
Thursday, January 12th, 5:30pm (Central)
Thursday, January 12th, 5:30pm (Mountain)
Thursday, January 12th, 5:30pm (Pacific)
Friday, January 13th, 11:30am (Eastern)
Optional Comments/Other Times
If the above times don't work for you, please share some times that you would prefer to meet.
Also, feel free to share any questions for us or topics you'd like us to cover.
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